Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I need a roommate... hall... room - How will I know where I live???

Each year there are certain things we in residence life we can expect for our new students (those who have not lived on campus before). Roommate questions, can I bring a car if I am a new student, how far are my classes from my hall, and the very real issue of where will I be living. Each fall these questions are asked by a few new incoming students, but as the spring semester gets going, the questions become more and more common. To help everyone understand our room process, I want to share some details and help everyone know what to expect between now and the fall semester. 

Housing assignments are made based on a date driven process. Simply put, the sooner you turned in your housing contract and housing deposit, the better chance you have to get into the hall you prefer. Please note, we don’t guarantee specific spaces to anyone! We do our best to honor preferences, but the volume of people who want to live on campus prevents this. Based upon numbers from 1/12/13 we have 188 students with housing contracts that were received by our priority date of December 1 who have Towers North as their first hall preference. There are about 260 beds in Towers North, so people with contracts after December 1 have a lower probability for getting Towers North than someone with a November contract date. As of December 1, there were almost 500 students with an active housing contract. This does not mean we have run out of space for people, but merely demonstrates that people start signing up for on campus living early. Sometimes a student or parent will say to me in March or April that they thought they were still early in the process, I have to share the unfortunate news that by March/April there are well over a 1,000 students with active housing contracts ahead of them. For comparison purposes, the first housing contract was received on October 1, 2012 for next fall. 

We begin in the middle of the spring semester allowing students with early contact dates, meaning PRIOR to December 1, to start selecting their rooms online. If you have ever booked an airline ticket online or seen how you can change your seat when you check in at an airport, you this gives you some idea about our process. You have the ability to pull in your roommate when you choose your hall and room. So if you turned in your housing contact in November, which hundreds did, then you could go online (we’ll be sending you the instructions on how to do this) and you select your room in the hall you prefer and then also select your roommate by adding their name into the other bed(s) for that room. Please note, we allow students to preference their room and roommate. We do not permit students to choose suitemates, next door neighbors, or other assignment choices. For example, each year there is at least one request that someone want’s their best friend in a room on the same floor, but not their room. Your ability to preference your hall, room, and roommate are specific to you and cannot be used to place students in other rooms. Sorry! I know sometimes people want to pre-position friends around the floors, but I strongly believe part of college is about meeting new people and our assignment process helps facilitate this. I will blog later about the danger of selecting your best friend as a roommate!  

After we go through the self-assign process for students who submitted their contacts early, we then begin making room assignments for all students. In general, a majority of students have their room and roommate assignment made by the university, so if you did not turn in your contact early or you don’t know who your roommate is, DON’T PANIC. You are in the majority! We look at your building and roommate preference information and then try to match you with someone similar, but not identical, to you. This is why it is critical that you be honest with your roommate preference questions. If you are a slob, own it. Don’t claim you are a neat freak and then hope by having a neat roommate you will become a cleaner person. You just might be at the beginning of a roommate conflict! Don’t use your new roommate as your tutor or life coach, they have their own problems and expecting to find a roommate who exercises to help get you in shape is a terrible way to start off as roommates. 

In the end, we know where you live matters… but what matters MORE is who you live with. I will talk about that in the coming weeks.

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